


RARE Keeps to its Mission with Student Engagement Council (SEC)

/ February 21, 2024

Chetan Soni – SEC member

RARE is excited about its newly formed Student Engagement Council (SEC).  In keeping with its mission to focus on students and providing opportunities to learn and grow, the Board approved the SEC at the January 2024 Board meeting.  These students will have a seat at the table to offer ideas, solutions and topics of import.

Our first candidate is Chetan Soni, a senior at Lincoln High School.  His energy and volunteerism are inspiring!  He is currently the Operations Coordinator at The Alliance for Gun Responsibility. Additionally, Chetan previously worked as the Executive Director at The Seattle Student Union/Washington Youth Alliance, Fields and Events Coordinator at Rebecca Saldaña and Emijah Smith for the 37th Legislative District and has been involved in the political and legislative realm for three years.

Chetan’s volunteer work includes IT and social media work for four organizations.  Chetan’s work ethic and interest in racial equity will continue after high school graduation.  He is interested in keeping his affiliation with RARE, perhaps as a future Board member!
