


Connections Spring 2023 Program to Launch at Roosevelt and Garfield!

/ February 26, 2023

Connections Spring 2023 is set to launch at Roosevelt and Garfield High Schools for the spring semester.

Following the successful Connections pilot program in summer 2022, members of RARE’s Connections Committee used input from the student participants to guide editing and revision of the experiential Connections 101 curriculum. In partnership with Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle, RARE has developed a six- session after-school program designed to:

  • Increase students’ understanding of racial equity
  • Enhance their leadership, communication, and life skills
  • Expand their personal networks with new friends
  • Participate in the Connections 201 offerings of thought-provoking and engaging activities outside the classroom.

The Connections 101 and Connections 201 programs and activities are free and will allow students to earn school service credits. All students who successfully complete the program will receive a certificate and are encouraged to reference the experience on their college, scholarship, and job applications.

Led by an experienced facilitator, Connections 101 will run at Garfield on Tuesdays from March 7 through April 18, and at Roosevelt on Wednesdays from March 8 through April 19.
