Bruce Johnson
Bruce is a second generation graduate of Roosevelt High School, he in 1971. He earned a BA in History at the University of Washington and returned to the UW a year afterwards in the Teacher Certification Program at the College of Education. He did his student teaching and his initial year of teaching at Garfield High School. Bruce spent most of his career teaching Language Arts and US History at Whitman Middle School in northwest Seattle. He retired in 2016 and was doing occasional substituting until Covid hit.
Like millions of Americans, Bruce was sickened by the police murder of George Floyd, but heartened by the worlds’s and the nation’s long-overdue outrage and call for change that followed. RARE was part of that reaction, and Bruce is proud be part it.
He stays involved with RARE because the work in interesting, and it is an effort for good in the world. RARE has been a positive endeavor in striving towards racial equity. It has also been a pleasure to work with a dedicated group of folks.
Bruce is married and has two grown sons. He lives in northeast Seattle with his wife Janine and their dog Stella.