


New Faces: RARE Adds Team Members to Bolster Fundraising and Technology

/ June 4, 2024

As RARE begins its fifth year, we enthusiastically acknowledge our growth and strengths.  As such, we adjust to personnel and operational needs to maximize our impact on racial equity in our community. Watch for the New Faces blog posts to meet new RARE team members. We are so pleased and fortunate to have new people joining Team RARE!

Alex Wheeler, Fundraising Team

Alex Wheeler

Alex is originally from the Great Plains and attended the University of Nebraska. After graduating, he moved overseas for several years before moving to Hawaii. His experiences living in non-white societies deepened his interest in examining race, power and privilege.

Since the events of the summer of 2020, Alex has actively continued his anti-racism journey by seeking out programs and communities engaged in fighting oppression and advancing racial equity. Alex joined RARE in April 2024 to lead the organization’s fundraising. When not working, you can often find Alex on a bicycle around Seattle or out walking his dog Lincoln.

Phil Aelion-Moss, Technology Team

Phil Aelion-Moss

Phil grew up in Moscow, Paris, and then Milwaukee before earning a BS in computer science and beginning to work as a software developer. His first job was at Microsoft, where he developed a connection with Seattle. Since then, he has worked for several small startups and as a freelancer, doing web development with various technologies and writing technical documentation.

RARE’s mission is a clear positive in this world and Phil is thrilled to be able to help move that mission forward. Outside of work Phil is passionate about spending time in nature, especially hiking and freediving.
