
Donors Wall Test

Donors – Default


$5,000 and up

Williams Friendship Fund – Marie & Walt Williams '39

Lisa Gianelli and Mark Anderson '71
We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this worthy cause.

Kristianne (Gates) Blake '71
Energized by my fellow classmates who started RARE. Open discussions are a necessary foundation for promoting racial equity. Recognizing students who contribute toward creating a climate of racial equity is a fitting tribute to James Davis.

Gregg Blodgett '71

Glenn Carlson '72

Duane Covey '72
I was looking at my 1971 Annual for what James had to say. What stuck out to me was what he put down as his passions: 1) People…he genuinely cared! 2) Football…his sports passion 3) Roughriders…Serving others! He was a leader when he was 18!!! James was genuine… he delivered results…he was a team player…he built relationships ( even 50 years later)…he was courageous…a great communicator and he inspired som many…to this day. He was part of a class I always looked up to. He was accepting of me and now has motivated me from the grave to support those who emulate his character!! He was RARE…and so can we all be‼️

Jude & Steve Fisher '71
I'm very happy to join my '71 alumni in donating to this great cause

Jude & Steve Fisher '71
I'm very happy to join my '71 alumni in donating to this great cause

John and Pris Kloess '72

Joan Levin

Chris Rich '71

John Tabb '71
James Davis was an inspiring teammate, class officer and friend. I am enthused to support his racial equity philosophy via RARE and the James Davis Scholarships.

Holly and Jeff Ullman

Richard Waltonsmith '67
Our class had the 1st group of volunteer black kids bused to Roosevelt. "Why do they sit together at lunch?" I sat with them when I could; and realized how little I knew about their experiences in a majority white country. Empathy is such a key ingredient to make this country live up to our claims of fairness and equity. RARE is working in that direction. Randy (Randolph) Carter was a bused student, and I admired his bravery.

Les Young '71
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." James Baldwin (1962)





The HD & JU Fund

Intelligent Lids

Dick and Kathryn & Kathryn Almy '71

Peter Abrahamsen

Char Olson-Alkire '71 & Ed Alkire '71

Jack Alkire '66

Jo Allison

Michael Allison

Nick Allison

Linda & Stephen Anderson '66
We appreciate the effort by all involved

Stephen Anderson

Margaret Anderson Childs' Siblings '63
Margaret was very supportive in everything RARE stands for.

Peter Barbee '73

Martha Barbee VanCleave '71

Martha (Barbee) Barbee VanCleave '71

Heidi Barrett '71

Heidi Barrett '71

Linda Beattie

Karyn Beckley
Thank you for establishing this wonderful fund.

Margaret Benefiel

BlackRock Matching

Jay Blasingame '69

Kelsey Blodgett '06

Gunars Blukis '71

James Michael Bogan '71

Hilary Bolles '73

Karin Bolstad

Thomas Bordner '71

Lisca Borichewski

Julie Adam Boriotti '71

Mark Boyd
Nancy and I are very pleased that this is happening

Laura Boytz '77

Stella Britt '71

Najja Brown '71

Joan Burton

Penny Butler

Mariza Cabral

Roger Cady '71
I went to school with James and was in the Roosevelt Marching Band with him. A better person, you will not find.

Nancy (Morton) Carr '71

John Carver '71

Mark Chernick '71

Siblings of Margaret (Anderson) Childs '63
Margaret was very supportive in everything RARE stands for.

Steve and Julie Chittenden

Leslie Clark

ed corker '72

Laura (Calico) Corker '73
My parents were well pleased my sister (‘71), my brother (‘76), and I would be attending integrated schools. For us, it started at John Marshall. We just didn’t really know how to make the best use of what we were seeing and learning. It made a huge impact on me. As mentioned, I thought racism was only in the South, back then, as my parents had friends of all races. I had a long way to go. It’s these brilliant youth who will take our feeble efforts and bring us forward with great strides. They know about things we didn't and have language for things we didn’t, and they have the will. Youth can move the world.

Kristin Day '71

Lynn Dolan

James Donaldson '72

Paul Fletcher ‘71 & Sue Donaldson '71

Steffen Dragseth

Gloria Drenguis

Robin Duryee '71

Gail E Joseph

Mollie Edson '71
"I have come to the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the KKKer, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to 'justice'." Martin Luther King

Laura Eidelson

Mary (Elarth) Elliott '82
Education is a path towards equality and I'm proud to be a RHS Alumni.

Sister Monika Ellis '71
I am so proud of my classmates who spearheaded this effort, which is so needed and so timely.

Katherine Ellis-Callahan

Ketra Embleton

Kay English

Barbara (Hatlen) Erickson '71

Pam (Walters) Eshelman '75

Suzanne (Dale) Estey '88

Yaela Ettlinger

Walter F Hatch '72

Kourosh Farivar

Lynn Ferguson

Lucy Ferriss

Michelle Fields

Nick Fisher and Rishita Patel

Doreen & Paul Fisher '73

Kathryn Flaisig '72

Jeffrey & Dina Frank
Donating in support of our friends Steve and Jude Fisher, who exemplify the ideals of fairness and equity. Thanks to the RARE Board for taking on this critically important task, and for taking concrete action through scholarships and raising awareness

Elizabeth & Brian Frederick '62

Hans Friedhoff

Kristi's Friends
Happy Birthday Kristi! Your friends Phoebe (Gilbert) Russell '71, Gerry Morrison '56, Bruce Williams '71, Forrest Nelson '71, Lynn Blake, Patty Deeny, PK Stremic, Lori Roediger, Peggy McCarthy, Kaycee Krysty, Wendy Start, Beth Gamel, Michelle Jennings, Bob Morris, Gerhard Muelheims

Steven Fukushima '70
Proud to join my fellow RHS Brothers and Sisters in being part of the solution

Alan Futterman

Mimi Gates

JoAnne (Mitchell) Gray '72

Steven Gregersen '71

Marlice Gulacsik
Not an alum, but friends with many and so pleased to support this wonderful scholarship.

John Guterson '72

Susan H

judith hansen

Teshika Hatch

Dorothy Hathaway

Peter Hayes

Theresa Heiden

Catherine & Tim Hennings '71
We are glad for this opportunity to support the scholarship. Our society has not made nearly the progress on racial integration and racial equity that we would have predicted as high school students in the 1970's. It is high time that we make big changes. This program is an excellent start.

Trevor Hennings

Lori Hess '83
I enjoyed my years at Roosevelt and want to help make it a special place for others

Michelle (Graham) Hightower '82
I’m proud to be an alumni for 40 years and be granted this opportunity to give back in varying capacities to RARE

Tom Hinckley
In honor of University of Washington Professor Emerita Lea B. Vaughn, incoming president of the University of Washington Retirement Association.

Tom Hinckley
In honor of University of Washington Professor Emerita Lea B. Vaughn, incoming president of the University of Washington Retirement Association.

Malcolm Hooper

Jennifer Hopper

Art Huffine

Joe Hunter '71
James A. Davis Jr. was a remarkable individual. He was my Business partner (as kids), Classmate, Fraternity Brother (Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.), the Best Man at my wedding and my son's Godfather, but most importantly he was a fantastic person and my best friend. This scholarship will help to keep his memory and what he represented alive. We all need to support RARE and the James A. Davis Memorial Scholarship. #1) “These are all our children. We will profit by, or pay for, whatever they become.” #2) "When we open the door of opportunity... we give these students a chance to reach their true potential. We must rush to succeed!!!!! #3) "We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us... we must now anchor down and provide a firm foundation for the future generations to stand on"

John Hurley

Laurie & Mike Jaglois

Nilu Jenks

Rob Johnson '67

Connie Johnston Ruhl

Thomas Jones

Joe Joy '71
EQUITY SUSTAINER Glad to contribute in honor of James and his alter ego as Fredrick Douglass.

Linda Julien

Lisa Keeney McCarthy

Jeff Keith '71
I'm so proud to have known James Davis as a classmate and fellow clarinetist.

Joe Kenney '71

Anonymous2 '71
James was a caring person and reached out to all of us to bring us together

R. Kim Peterson '71 '71

Jesse Kleinman

Laura Koutsky '71

Lori & Rob Kraft
Thank you Jude and Steve for introducing us to this wonderful cause

John Krasucki

John Krasucki

Susan (Harman) Kriegel '56
It's time to honestly celebrate diversity, making sure to provide equal educational, social, livelihood and work opportunities.

John Kydd '70

Robin (Uchida) Lange '71

Mark Laura '71

Rami Levin

Maggie Lewis '71

Lisa Lindstrom

Jim Lobe

Jean Lutgen

James Lycette '71

libby macphee

Gloria Mae Hennings

Janet (Maines) Maines Peterson '71
We need this. Thanks to Joe and Tony for getting it started.

Melissa Masnik Pasanen

Rex McDowell

Rex McDowell

Rex McDowell '71

Rex McDowell

Patrick Mcgowen

Rex McKelvy

Christine McLaughlin

Marc Medley
Brother Davis is my fraternity brother in the greatest fraternity in the world, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He and I use to play racquetball every week day morning at 6 a.m.. We did this for at least a year. We always had a blast when we were together whether we were on the racquetball court, fraternity meeting, political meeting and at church. I miss him dearly. Marc A. Medley Alpha Phi Alpha Life Member #6873 Delta Mu Lambda Chapter, Paterson, NJ

Betsy (Lewis) Meredith '67
To honor the courageous Black students in the '60s who transferred from Seattle high schools with predominantly Black student bodies to Roosevelt High School to help us all along on the journey to racial equity.

Nina Mettler

Shelley Meyers


Whitney Milhoan
In honor of my mom, a Roosevelt alumna and RARE board member, Robin Uchida Lange. Love you, Mama, thank you for your work!

Ronda Miller

Libby Mills '71

Hillary Moore '98

John Moore

Janette Moreno

Gerry Morrison '56

Andy Nay

Jane (Harris) Nellams '73
I hope that my gift will promote racial equity at Roosevelt by encouraging students to call on their better angels and work to improve relationships among all students.

J. Forrest Nelson '71

Sharon Nelson

Webb Nelson '71

J. Forrest Nelson '71

Michelle Noland

Judith Noland

Jeff Noland

Tom Norwalk '71

Robin (Balee) Ogburn '71

Julie Ohrazda

Stephanie Olson

Michelle Osborne '75

Tom Ostrom '70

Nick Ostrom '08

Mary (O'Neill) Patneaude '72

John Peterson '71

Edward Phillips

Laurence & Lynn Pollack

Kenneth Poston

JoAnne Powell '71

Earl Powell

Lisa Primiano

Kevin Quaid

Peter R

Gary Rashkov '70

Hap Rehn '75

robert roblee '59

Melinda Rost '01

Paul Rucker '88

Phoebe (Gilbert) Russell '71

Karen Salsbury

Mark Sandstrom

MC Schmitt

Steve Schold '71

Susan (Hatlen) Schulkin '72

Patricia Sechrist

Christi Shaffer

John Sinclair '71

Joan Singler

Kate Smith

MacKenzie Smith

Rob and Kathleen Spitzer
Promoting equity and connections is a meaningful way for alumni to stay in touch. While we were both educated elsewhere, we are glad to support our friends Tim Hennings and Bruce Williams in this important work.

Nancy & Doug Steers '71

Shannon Stewart '70

Sarah Stiteler

TaRessa Stovall '72


Robert Strauss '74

Nancy (Stuestall) Stuestall Voris '72

Morgan (Rost) Suddendorf '05

Kenneth Sumter
In memory of Brother James Davis A man who spoke truth to power with a smile. "06"

Sarah Swanberg

Mary Ann Swol

Quintard Taylor

Steve's Teammates and Friends '71

Edith Tenneson

Lynn (Hayes) Thomas '71
Excellent cause

Keith Thompson '71

Bainbridge Island Museum of Art

Jane Torrey

Ruth Traxler '02

Terry (Bushnell) Tripp '75
I gave to RARE for the explicit reasoning that we need a more level playing field in this country for all kids; black, brown, and other. I am happy to participate in a clearly defined mission to make this happen. Thanks Joe and Tony for all your work.

Gary Turner '72

Hillary U

Lea Vaughn '71
"Let the nation . . . know the meaning of our numbers." A. Philip Randolph


Jan Waszak

John Watts '66

Karen Watts

Kevin Watts

Raleigh Watts

William Watts

Elizabeth Watts

Bill & Jenny Watts

Kate Weaver '02

JoElla Weybright

Doug and Janet Whalley '63

wendy williams '72
As Tim Hennings said, when we graduated nearly 50 years ago, we'd have expected then to be farther along toward racial equity and justice by now. Thanks, everyone, for your work on this. (Garfield '69 - '70, Roosevelt 9/70 - 1/72, Nova summer '71)

Lynn Williams

Kathryn Williams

Linda Wilson

Terri (Creer) Wilson '71

Margaret Woley

Lynette (Wise) Worthington '82

Robert Wright '38

Jenny Wu

Kirk Yonker

Deborah Youngblood '72

Natalya Yudkovsky

Suzanne and Tom Zahniser


Durwood Alkire
Ed Alkire
Ed Alkire

Margaret Anderson '63
Siblings of Margaret (Anderson) Childs

Bert Benton
Mary (Elarth) Elliott

Eileen Coleman Boling
Barbara (Hatlen) Erickson

Randolph Carter
Richard Waltonsmith

Margaret Anderson Childs '63
Margaret Anderson Childs' Siblings

John Coachman '82
Michelle (Graham) Hightower

Ken Coleman
Gregg Blodgett

Ryan Logan Covey
Duane Covey

Shirley J Davis '71
JoAnne Powell

Jim Dodd '70
Tom Ostrom
Gary Rashkov

Diana Hughes Elmer '71
Mollie Edson

Marc Emerson '72
wendy williams

Marilyn Burr Epley
Barbara (Hatlen) Erickson

Mary Maxwell Gates '46
Kristianne (Gates) Blake

Gunther Gegner
Susan (Harman) Kriegel

Kurt Gegner
Susan (Harman) Kriegel

Barb Grubbs '71
Lea Vaughn

Candace Hayes '71
Gregg Blodgett

Larry Hennings '44
Tim Hennings

Edward "Bear" Wells Jr
Najja Brown

Steven Sol Matalon '73
Jane (Harris) Nellams

Steve Schold '71
Steve's Teammates and Friends

Margaret Smith '71
JoAnne Powell

Carol Whitaker '72
wendy williams

Walter Williams '39
wendy williams

Neil Wilson '71
Gregg Blodgett

Please click here to add a listing to the In Memoriam section.

Donors – Tag = aWatts

Kevin Watts

Kate Weaver '02

John Watts '66

Karen Watts


Durwood Alkire
Ed Alkire
Ed Alkire

Margaret Anderson '63
Siblings of Margaret (Anderson) Childs

Bert Benton
Mary (Elarth) Elliott

Eileen Coleman Boling
Barbara (Hatlen) Erickson

Randolph Carter
Richard Waltonsmith

Margaret Anderson Childs '63
Margaret Anderson Childs' Siblings

John Coachman '82
Michelle (Graham) Hightower

Ken Coleman
Gregg Blodgett

Ryan Logan Covey
Duane Covey

Shirley J Davis '71
JoAnne Powell

Jim Dodd '70
Tom Ostrom
Gary Rashkov

Diana Hughes Elmer '71
Mollie Edson

Marc Emerson '72
wendy williams

Marilyn Burr Epley
Barbara (Hatlen) Erickson

Mary Maxwell Gates '46
Kristianne (Gates) Blake

Gunther Gegner
Susan (Harman) Kriegel

Kurt Gegner
Susan (Harman) Kriegel

Barb Grubbs '71
Lea Vaughn

Candace Hayes '71
Gregg Blodgett

Larry Hennings '44
Tim Hennings

Edward "Bear" Wells Jr
Najja Brown

Steven Sol Matalon '73
Jane (Harris) Nellams

Steve Schold '71
Steve's Teammates and Friends

Margaret Smith '71
JoAnne Powell

Carol Whitaker '72
wendy williams

Walter Williams '39
wendy williams

Neil Wilson '71
Gregg Blodgett

Please click here to add a listing to the In Memoriam section.

Donors – Class Year 1971

Dick and Kathryn & Kathryn Almy '71

Char Olson-Alkire '71 & Ed Alkire '71

Lisa Gianelli and Mark Anderson '71
We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this worthy cause.

Martha Barbee VanCleave '71

Martha (Barbee) Barbee VanCleave '71

Heidi Barrett '71

Heidi Barrett '71

Kristianne (Gates) Blake '71
Energized by my fellow classmates who started RARE. Open discussions are a necessary foundation for promoting racial equity. Recognizing students who contribute toward creating a climate of racial equity is a fitting tribute to James Davis.

Gregg Blodgett '71

Gunars Blukis '71

James Michael Bogan '71

Thomas Bordner '71

Julie Adam Boriotti '71

Stella Britt '71

Najja Brown '71

Roger Cady '71
I went to school with James and was in the Roosevelt Marching Band with him. A better person, you will not find.

Nancy (Morton) Carr '71

John Carver '71

Mark Chernick '71

Kristin Day '71

Paul Fletcher ‘71 & Sue Donaldson '71

Robin Duryee '71

Mollie Edson '71
"I have come to the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the KKKer, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to 'justice'." Martin Luther King

Sister Monika Ellis '71
I am so proud of my classmates who spearheaded this effort, which is so needed and so timely.

Barbara (Hatlen) Erickson '71

Jude & Steve Fisher '71
I'm very happy to join my '71 alumni in donating to this great cause

Jude & Steve Fisher '71
I'm very happy to join my '71 alumni in donating to this great cause

Steven Gregersen '71

Catherine & Tim Hennings '71
We are glad for this opportunity to support the scholarship. Our society has not made nearly the progress on racial integration and racial equity that we would have predicted as high school students in the 1970's. It is high time that we make big changes. This program is an excellent start.

Joe Hunter '71
James A. Davis Jr. was a remarkable individual. He was my Business partner (as kids), Classmate, Fraternity Brother (Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.), the Best Man at my wedding and my son's Godfather, but most importantly he was a fantastic person and my best friend. This scholarship will help to keep his memory and what he represented alive. We all need to support RARE and the James A. Davis Memorial Scholarship. #1) “These are all our children. We will profit by, or pay for, whatever they become.” #2) "When we open the door of opportunity... we give these students a chance to reach their true potential. We must rush to succeed!!!!! #3) "We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us... we must now anchor down and provide a firm foundation for the future generations to stand on"

Joe Joy '71
EQUITY SUSTAINER Glad to contribute in honor of James and his alter ego as Fredrick Douglass.

Jeff Keith '71
I'm so proud to have known James Davis as a classmate and fellow clarinetist.

Joe Kenney '71

Anonymous2 '71
James was a caring person and reached out to all of us to bring us together

R. Kim Peterson '71 '71

Laura Koutsky '71

Robin (Uchida) Lange '71

Mark Laura '71

Maggie Lewis '71

James Lycette '71

Janet (Maines) Maines Peterson '71
We need this. Thanks to Joe and Tony for getting it started.

Rex McDowell '71

Libby Mills '71

J. Forrest Nelson '71

Webb Nelson '71

J. Forrest Nelson '71

Tom Norwalk '71

Robin (Balee) Ogburn '71

John Peterson '71

JoAnne Powell '71

Chris Rich '71

Phoebe (Gilbert) Russell '71

Steve Schold '71

John Sinclair '71

Nancy & Doug Steers '71

John Tabb '71
James Davis was an inspiring teammate, class officer and friend. I am enthused to support his racial equity philosophy via RARE and the James Davis Scholarships.

Steve's Teammates and Friends '71

Lynn (Hayes) Thomas '71
Excellent cause

Keith Thompson '71

Lea Vaughn '71
"Let the nation . . . know the meaning of our numbers." A. Philip Randolph

Terri (Creer) Wilson '71

Les Young '71
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." James Baldwin (1962)


Shirley J Davis '71
JoAnne Powell

Diana Hughes Elmer '71
Mollie Edson

Barb Grubbs '71
Lea Vaughn

Candace Hayes '71
Gregg Blodgett

Steve Schold '71
Steve's Teammates and Friends

Margaret Smith '71
JoAnne Powell

Neil Wilson '71
Gregg Blodgett

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