
Dr. Kyle Kinoshita, Retired Chief of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction, Seattle Public Schools


Dr. Kyle Kinoshita is a longtime Seattle resident (Rainier Beach, ’71) and member of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL).  He retired in 2019 as Chief of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction from Seattle Public Schools, and has been a K-12 educator in the Puget Sound area. His undergraduate degree was in ethnic studies and since then has long been interested and involved in issues of racial equity.


To get a deeper understanding of the steep escalation in the last year and a half of hate and bias against Asian Americans in the U.S.


Dr. Kyle Kinoshita will initiate a conversation on the upsurge of anti-Asian hate incidents that has erupted since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.  He will give a brief history of Asian Americans that will explain the roots of the narrative fueling the anti-Asian hate manifesting itself in the numerous attacks.


  1. A short article on Asian Americans’ reluctance to go back to in-person learning.
  2. A chapter from a book that deals with the “model minority” myth.
